Sunday, March 16, 2025

Monday, 8 December 2014

Mobile Usability - Google Add New Feature in Webmaster Tools


In October-November – 2014, google introduce a new feature in its webmaster tool that called - Mobile Usability (official announce at October 29, 2014)

Mobile is growing at a fantastic pace - in usage, not just in screen size. To keep you informed of issues mobile users might be seeing across your website, we've added the Mobile Usability feature to Webmaster Tools

The new feature shows mobile usability issues we’ve identified across your website, complete with graphs over time so that you see the progress that you've made.
A mobile-friendly site is one that you can easily read & use on a smartphone, by only having to scroll up or down. Swiping left/right to search for content, zooming to read text and use UI elements, or not being able to see the content at all make a site harder to use for users on mobile phones. To help, the Mobile Usability reports show the following issues: Flash content, missing viewport (a critical meta-tag for mobile pages), tiny fonts, fixed-width viewports, content not sized to viewport, and clickable links/buttons too close to each other.

We strongly recommend you take a look at these issues in Webmaster Tools, and think about how they might be resolved; sometimes it's just a matter of tweaking your site's template! More information on how to make a great mobile-friendly website can be found in Web Fundamentals website

Resources: some news website and Google official blog
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Monday, 30 June 2014

Google New Updates For SEO - Payday Loan 3.0

On Twitter, Google’s Matt Cutts announced the release of the third version of Google’s Payday Loan algorithm. The first version of that algorithm was announced about a year ago.
What is Google’s Payday Loan algorithm?
This is the second Payday Loan algorithm update within four weeks.  In May, Matt Cutts announced version 2.0 of Google’s Payday Loan algorithm update.
According to Matt Cutts, version 2.0 of the update targeted spammy sites, whereas the new version 3.0 targets spammy queries. Unfortunately, Google does not explain what this means in detail.
The Payday Loan algorithm targets search queries such as “payday loans”, “casinos”, “viagra” and other keywords that are often targeted by spammers

What is the impact of Payday Loan on your website?
The term Payday Loan, originated from the niche industry that commonly accumulates spammy websites, such as finance, payday loan companies, and insurance. If your website falls under any of these categories, expect to feel the sting of the update, even if you follow all of Google’s guidelines to the letter.

If you’ve already seen a drop in your rankings, it could be that the Payday Loan update has caught up with you. Aside from finance-related sites, the algorithm also goes after queries on pornography, finance and insurance related.

Because it was rolled out on a global scale, signals from international queries are also taken into account. This caused several countries to be affected. In the United States, around 0.3% of U.S. queries have taken a hit. On the other hand, queries in Turkey that have been affected has gone up by 4%, which is a lot compared to that of the United States. This shows that Google is serious about cracking down international spam.

What does the Payday Loan algorithm mean for online users?
Anyone who has made a search regarding payday loans, financial schemes, insurance concerns and pornographic materials will see disappointing search returns. It’s either, low quality sites will appear on their query or none at all. After all, Google’s intention is to keep such sites from popping up. This makes the payday loan not much of a payday for users.

Until affected niche industry websites make changes that the Payday Loan algorithm will like, they won’t have a room in search returns and their target users won’t find them. It can be a little inconvenient on both ends of the spectrum, but, if this means better online experience, then it’s all good.

How is this different from Google Panda and Google Penguin?
The Payday Loan algorithm is unrelated to Google’s Panda or Penguin updates. The Panda algorithm targets websites with low quality content. For example, the Panda algorithm makes sure that web pages with automatically created content don’t get high rankings in Google’s search results. The same applies to websites that hire authors who write articles with very shallow content.

The Penguin algorithm targets website that get artificial links. For example, websites that are linked with paid links might be penalized by Google. Google also doesn’t like links from automated linking schemes.

How will this affect your website’s rankings?
If your website does not compete in a spam heavy industry (drugs, gambling, etc.) then it is very likely that the rankings of your website won’t be affected at all.
Google doesn’t like spam. For that reason, your website will be safe if you avoid spam methods to promote your website. If you want to get high rankings that last, use white-hat SEO methods that play by the rules.
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Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Top 12 Common SEO Mistakes with Solution


There are many common SEO mistakes made today that many people may not be aware of. Google and other major search engine’s are on a mission to give quality and relevance to their search queries, so getting this under control will help boost your SEO rankings.

Follow the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) principle, if your website is too busy or over complicated your visitors will become frustrated and leave.

#1. Not having the right search terms on your page
Include the words that people are actually going to type. Matt Cutts posted a video, on the top 3-5 SEO mistakes he constantly sees by volume. Not having your keywords on the page is a mistake he sees all the time. He said, “You don’t just want to say Mount Everest elevation, you want to say words like how high is Mount Everest because people are going to type: how high is Mt. Everest?” If you’re a restaurant, include a menu. Include your business hours on the page.

#2. Keyword-stuffing
Even though keyword stuffing has been a no-no since the past decade, Panda took care of the non-conformists with penalties. Last year, Google’s Hummingbird update was also a complete shift away from using a single keyword excessively on a page. Hummingbird looks for natural language queries and synonyms. With Hummingbird, these strategies work best:
Use specific keywords sparingly, in the right places. Such as titles, meta descriptions and once or twice on the page.
Write articles that focus on the overall meaning of your content and less on a specific keyword.
Consider synonyms – the alternate words or phrases that describe what you do and that people might use, rather than focusing your content around an exact-match keyword. For example, if I were optimizing content for a hotel site, I would use synonyms such as lodging, motel, accommodation, tavern and inn.
Use focus terms that are related to your subject. For example a page on cancer care will have related terms such as radiation, chemotherapy etc.

#3. No Title and description tags
What is the title of your home page? Does it say untitled or is it giving people a good idea of what your site is about. Think about the description of your best pages. Your description often determines what shows up in snippets. You want to create something that people want to click on.
Meta keywords can be found in the header element in a website’s HTML code:
#4. Not creating link-worthy content
Traditional inbound-links are still valuable after all these years. However, the links that count these days are links from high authority sites. Mat Cutts advised that instead of focusing on link-building, try to create compelling content that people want to link to and share. Some things to keep in mind about links and how they work these days:
Instead of thinking of where to buy links (this technique has long being considered spammy), think clever guerilla marketing, “what can I do to market my website to make it broadly known in the community?”
Can I talk to newspapers, confererences and forums? Who would be interested in my content? How can I share this with them?
Think of quality vs. quantity. There was a time when the number of links that you had were important. This was before the days of link-spammers and sites selling you links. Nowadays, the links that count are from high-authority websites.
Pay careful attention to comments and who you allow to link to your content. Links from the wrong sites may also get you into trouble. Use the Google disavow tool if necessary.
Create a rich system of internal links. This helps search engines better navigate your site. It also points them to links relevant to the topic of your page.

#5. Poor quality, too little, duplicate or plagiarized content
Many brands are facing the pressure of constantly having to churn out fresh content. Sometimes, this leads to a temptation to put out duplicate or poor quality content. After the Panda and Penguin updates, sites get penalized for these practices. It also has negative ramifications for your brand. People are constantly assessing your brand. Are you a trusted source of information? Do you deliver quality and value? High quality content speaks of these qualities.

#6. No focus on user intent Hummingbird encourages us
to understand user intent right from the start of the buying process. Focus on what you know that your customer came to your site to research. Identify intent, needs and problems. Provide solutions and answers. Look at queries and what customers need.
Here are other ideas to understand user intent:
Use tools such as Qualaroo to understand user intent and preferences.
Talk to your team’s customer service people to find out what customers and prospects most want or need from your product.
Use Customer feedback forms, quick surveys and polls to identify customer needs.
Talk to the actual sales people to find out what customers want from you.
Also, try to understand the long-tail queries users are typing in, especially these days with mobile search. Long-tail queries indicate that the prospect is very close to buying and just needs to be matched with the right product. Even though we can no longer look for keywords in Google, there are several ways to determine long-tail queries:
Use the insights you receive from the Search box on your site Tools such as Google Suggest, related searches, Uber Suggest, Twitter Search and even social media Q & A sites such as Quora are great to tap into for long-tail questions.
Last but not the least, check out the competition. Type in the terms that you are interested in and see who shows up first in search results. You will be able to get an idea from their pages the kind of queries they are trying to optimize the page for.

#7.Not integrating content marketing with your SEO efforts
In 2014 and into the future, content marketing and seo work hand-in-hand. You need to seamlessly go from one to the other. A good digital strategy now means having a great content strategy in place. This includes having a content plan, content audits and creating different types of content in the sales funnel. Like whitepapers, blogs and newsletters.

#8. Poor social media marketing
Social media of-course has many SEO benefits. Besides the fact that social shares alert search engines that the content is share-worthy, it’s an important trust symbol for visitors landing on a page. You’re also increasing the reach of your brand when you spread the word through social media. In order to get the most of social media you need to invest the time and effort in growing your communities and reaching new customers.

#9. No local search Ed Parsons, the Geospatial Technologist of Google, has indicated in a recent talk at Google PinPoint that “about 1 in 3 of queries that people just type into a standard Google search bar are about places, they are about finding out information about locations. …this isn’t Google Maps just people normally looking at Google”.
Due to the interaction between Hummingbird and the Venice update – a tweak that lead to more localized organic results for non-geo-modified keywords. What this means is that there are even more opportunities to capture local traffic, for example, if you were in Philadelphia, regardless whether you typed in a search query for: ad agency Philadelphia or just ad agency, you would get local results first.

#10. Thinking that SEO is a one-time job Google has made several changes to SEO. What with the animal updates, Panda, Penguin and now Hummingbird and the semantic web. What works today, may not work tomorrow. To survive in the digital world, you need to be up-to-date or your site will lose its visibility. It’s good to have an SEO consultant come in and tell you what to do. But that advice will not stand the test of time. In order to increase your online visibility, you need to constantly be on your toes, read up and be up-to-date.
#11 Irrelevant anchor text links 
Anchor text is the name given to the clickable hyperlink text on a web page. Creating cleverly phrased anchor text links is a coveted skill in the SEO world because they’re the main source of food for a search engine crawler.
Going from page to page, a crawler uses links as indicators of the theme of the pages it’s heading to – and how to rank them. So whenever I see click here used as an anchor text link, I see a wasted opportunity to build a link.
Tailoring your anchor text links to include keywords that you want to rank for can be tedious, and you’ll have to vary the pattern of anchor text so as to not attract suspicion from Google – but it’s something that you should definitely get into the habit of.
Watch Matt Cutts' video on keywords in internal links and then read our Building keyword rich inbound links

#12 Not allowing your site to be crawled

Matt Cutts, Head of Search Spam at Google, recently cited this as one of the biggest mistakes people make when creating their websites.
In a video about basic SEO mistakes Cutts explains that if you make your content difficult for a search engine crawler to find, Google can't index it and won’t rank it.
By configuring Google and Bing Webmaster Tools to your site, accessibility to it is constantly monitored.
Discover all you need to know about Google spider
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Saturday, 3 May 2014

32 Ways to Trip a Google Spam Filter

we are providing some trip a Google Spam Filter by the reference of popular news sites.

Ever wonder how or why your website lost its once favorable rankings in Google? If you want to stay on the good side of Matt Cutts and Google and potentially activate a Google spam filter, never implement any of the these 32 tactics --
  1. Register a domain with a trademarked word in the name with the intent of profiting off of ad revenue by "repurposing" content scraped from a rival site.
  2. Register a domain name that is a misspelled version of a popular website, brand, or online rival in an attempt to misdirect search referred traffic.
  3. Surreptitiously place affiliate cookies on computers when viewing or sharing content on the site.
  4. Example: A spammer inserts a URL to a fake image on a message board that puts affiliate cookies on the computers of forum visitors.
  5. Use unnecessary redirects, especially when visitors hit the homepage to enter the site from a search engine.
  6. Have all primary navigation require Flash, Java or JavaScript to function, especially when combined with very little textual content on web pages, to muddle contextual search signs.
  7. Present the homepage as a "splash page" or otherwise content-less document, replace the homepage URL regularly with a new file name, and don't bother to redirect the old homepage URL.
  8. Use frames on critical landing pages and high-level categories.
  9. Target demographics on social networking sites and message people with blatant advertisements.
  10. Include numerous ampersands, session IDs or user IDs in URL constructs, and do not canonicalize to unappended URLs.
  11. Ping servers site several times per minute with new content notifications to give the illusion that there is constant flow of new content on a page.
  12. Use the same title tag on all or most pages in the site or use title tags that lack meaning on critical landing pages, and never change the title tags.
  13. Have error pages in the search results that produce "Session Expired" experiences for visitors referred to the website.
  14. Have the 404-Page "File Not Found" error return a 200-status OK response code to search bots.
  15. Only use "Click Here," "Read More," or other redundant phrases for important anchor text links.
  16. Use site wide navigational constructs, such as dropdown, pop-up, and flyover boxes to obfuscate contextual relevancy signals for search bots.
  17. Present hidden or small text meant only to search engine spiders.
  18. Engage in "keyword stuffing" and use obviously irrelevant keywords in meta tags on a site-wide basis.
  19. Buy expired domains with high traffic histories and redirect to unrelated web content.
  20. Have content read like it was machine generated with search query phrases dynamic inserted in the content.
  21. Scrape other sites content and aggregate it on "doorway pages" throughout the site.
  22. Repeatedly present search engines different content then humans receive when visiting the site.
  23. Participate in "link farms" or "free for all" link exchanges that have a large number of unrelated topics directing visitors to different URLs on every page within the site.
  24. Duplicate the same content cross multiple subdomains rather than investing in search engine friendly load balancing processes.
  25. Invite and allow comment spamming on most pages within the site.
  26. Don't link out to any other sites or predominantly link to dubious sites with highly descriptive anchor text.
  27. Create hundreds of personas to "echo" social signals across different social venues.
  28. Hide links in images or embed links in places that are "off screen" to most site visitors.
  29. Buy links as a "sponsor" or embed links in unrelated web tools or widgets.
  30. Try to cozy up to sites that predominantly link to off-topic topics such as casinos or online pharmaceuticals.
  31. Suddenly introduce a lot of new, highly searchable trending phrases into the body copy of stagnant old articles.
  32. Put a headshot of Google's Matt Cutts on unflattering images or produce a video with the Google spam chief's image.
Note: If you're still confused about what you can do to stay on the good side of Google, never implement any of the tactics mentioned here today.
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Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Free Indian Classified Sites List - No Ads, No Pop Ups

Here, We provides list of free classified ads posting site in India. I have manually checked every classified site to make sure you get only top quality sites without any irritating pop-ups or ads.
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Friday, 4 April 2014

Social Bookmarking Sites - No Ads, No Pop-Ups

Here I am giving good sites for Social Bookmarking without any irritating ads and pop-ups, Just Bookmark your site in these dofollow social bookmarking sites to get better result..
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Wednesday, 19 February 2014

‘Not Set’ and ‘Not Provided’ are Most Confusing Identifiers in Google Analytics

In this post I explain the difference between "not set" and "not provided" in Google Analytics.
Not Set:
The ‘keyword’ (not set) simply identifies traffic that doesn’t arrive via a particular keyword and hence may not come via any search at all. This includes traffic coming from email, referral sites, or even things like Google Images. The latter might be confusing, but it helps to know that visitors coming from Google Images and Google Maps are classified under referrals with the source, not organic search. Because keywords are automatically set for search traffic, the (not set) keyword will never appear in your organic Search reports, so it is likely something you won’t have to worry about. Don’t consider this one in light of keyword performance!

In Simple Words - ‘not set’ means that the user didn’t come to your site through a keyword. They came to your site directly or through a referral site.

Not Provided:
Keywords are organic searches from Google but are being hidden from your website since Google is encrypting searches from users (secure searches from users who are logged in to their Google Accounts or otherwise using the secure version of Google.

Simply Say - any keywords searched organically by users who are logged into their Google Accounts (Gmail, Calendar, Apps, etc) will show up in your Analytics reports as (not provided).

Why is Google doing this? Google cites security and privacy reasons for hiding this data.

Firefox Adding to The Problem: The most recent Firefox browser update includes encryption of all Google searches by default, regardless if the user is signed in or not. This occurred in late July 2012 and has caused “Not Provided” numbers to increase.

What this means for you: On average we are seeing approximately 25% (and as high as 50%) of the search term data being hidden in the Not Provided keyword category. This makes year over year keyword analysis difficult as the data will obviously be skewed. This also makes casual keyword research using current data inaccurate.

Just keep in mind:
(Not Set) = Not Search Engine, Referrals and Direct links
(Not Provided) = Protected by Google encryption

I welcome your insight and expertise in the comments, because I am honestly stumped on these issues.
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