Tuesday, March 18, 2025


Social media sharing and interaction creates content that can be crawled by search engines. That means it can be optimized for better visibility within search, attracting new members to your social networks and blog.
Social Media Optimization (SMO) refers to the use of a number of social media outlets and communities to generate publicity to increase the awareness of a product, brand or event. 

Types of social media involved include RSS feeds, social news and bookmarking sites, as well as social networking sites, such as Twitter, and video and blogging sites. SMO is similar to search engine optimization in that the goal is to generate traffic and awareness for a website. In general, social media optimization refers to optimizing a website and its content in terms of sharing across social media and networking sites.

In general words "Social Media Optimization is like oxygen for your business getting operated through your website because its the most effective way to drag more and more of returning visitors to your site that may get converted into your potential customers."

Why you need SMO Services:
Social media optimization is becoming increasingly important for search engine optimization, as search engines are increasingly utilizing the recommendations of users of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ to rank pages in the search engine result pages. The implication is that when a webpage is shared or "liked" by a user on a social network, it counts as a "vote" for that webpage's quality.Thus, search engines can use such votes accordingly to properly rank websites in search engine results pages.
Today internet is flooded with innumerable websites and business, to differentiate yourself from the crowd you need to have something special. SEO can provide that extra zing to your website, and SMO can spice up your entire web presence to make you outshine your competitors.
Study revels that, 
  • 82% of Indian employees use social networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to find a new job.
  • 87% of Indian employees use social media to research an organization they are planning to join.
  • 75% of social media friendly employees track social media for negative reviews about organizations and hesitate to join if they find any.
  • 93% of Indian companies allow social media access through office computers from.
Normally, people spend 3-4 hours daily on social networking sites. That's huge captive audience by any standards. Being present on these sites is not a matter of choice, but mandatory for your brand expansion. Social media is the most powerful and defining way of communicating online
  • Facebook has 600 million users
  • Twitter 190 million users
  • Myspace 260 users million
  • Freindster 90 million
Our Social Media Optimization Services includes:
  • Social Bookmarking to high Quality bookmarking sites like Google, My Yahoo, MySpace, Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Blue Dot etc.
  • Building Google Pages for your site.
  • Building Facebook Pages for your site.
  • Sharing/ Like buttons.
  • RSS feeds.
  • Blogs.
  • Participating in discussions.
  • Joining social networks.
  • Viral advertising.
  • Press Release etc.
  • Twitter Account setup and maintenance
  • Flickr photo slides setup and monitoring
  • YouTube videos account setup and personalizing
  • Blogs Creating and maintaining a professional business blog for your website.
  • Forums are becoming popular medium for discussion and opinion formation.
More and more people are seeking relevant information online. Well written article which are easy to read and easy to find, will boost your standing as expert in you field. We will write well-researches articles for you.
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