Monday, March 17, 2025

Monday, 9 March 2015

How to Verify Google Plus Profile and Business Page

The trend of Verified accounts  in social media sites are not so new. Twitter is using this feature for many years. Google+ is using this feature from the beginning. Yeah, Facebook and YouTube has introduced this feature recently.

Verification Badges Verified Names are having verification badges/check marks along with there names in these Social Networking websites that helps people to find out and identify Official channel, profile, page about a business or a popular celebrity.

It is becoming very important for celebrities or brands to get these Verification badges on there profile because along with providing authenticity, it is also a symbol of pride

It shows, the person/brand is very influential and having very high popularity in that social network too.

So, if you are a company, an organization, a leader or celebrity and did not manage to get the Verification Badges yet  to your profiles, channels or fan pages then we are telling you how you can get one for you.

For Google+ Profiles
Google+, along with providing Verification Badges, also provides Vanity URLs to the verified names to make the profile’s URL user-friendly and easy to remember.
See the image below:

Verified Google Plus Profile
If you are in large number of Google+ circles (for e.g., greater than 20K ) and your profile name appears the same in the other social network websites then getting Google+ Verified name is not tough for you.

Unfortunately, there is not any way to contact Google+ for this. Google+ Staff will manually contact you and guide you to get verified name for your profile. However, these few tips will help you to get noticed by Google+ team:

  • You are required to become popular in your field.
  • Don’t share something illegal.
  • Don’t opt Spam ways to increase your ‘in Circles’.
  • Remain active at Google+, do status updates, get engaged in users comments.

For Google+ Business Pages
Google+ Business Pages should have great popularity and influence in Google+ to get verified badges along with their Names. Your Page will also get Vanity URL after getting verified badge.

There are still few important things that you should do for your Google+ Business Page to get it verified, without any problem:
  • Google+ Page should be connected to Official website by a proper two-way link between your website and page. This verification is also known as “Verifying Publishership”. Learn How Google+ Can Help with Ranking.
  • Make Sure your Google+ Page is having the “Name” by which it (your brand) is known by people. You can have small modifications in your Google+ Page, Website name but it should be at least identifiable that you are the same brand.
  • Build popularity and followers of your Google+ Page and post there regularly. You need to have at least 1000 followers for your brand’s official Google+ Page (as said by Google).
  • When you get meaningful number of followers and good engagement, apply for a verified name for your Google+ Brand Page using Google+ Page Verification Request form. If you face rejection, increase your Google+ Business Page’s popularity and apply again.

=====Keep Posting On Google Plus=====


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