Sunday, March 16, 2025

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Business Profile Listings Sites

Business Profile Listings provide greater communication and more opportunity to engage your customers in your brand experience. 
Here, list of some important Profile Sites who can help you grow your business.

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Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Google Panda and Google Penguin Update Overview

"Google Penguin and Panda is a part of Google's search algorithm."

Last couple of month I analyzed one thing related SEO that is still many peoples all over the globe confuse with Google Panda and Google Penguin. Many of them are don’t know how to recover from Google Panda and Google Penguin updates. So here are the small initiative from my end to all of my unknown social buddies to explain Google Panda and Google Penguin updation. Please give me your feedback after reading this blog

Panda and Penguin are the Google’s spam detection algorithms to penalize the websites with poor content and back links profile  giving opportunities to the legit websites to rank properly.

The Google Panda update is concerned with penalizing the websites having spam, duplicate and poor quality content. Google rolled out first Panda update about an year ago and ever since they are releasing Panda updates periodically. The Google Penguin update is concerned targeting the websites with low quality spam links. Penguin update was brought in action by Google to perfect the shortcomings of Panda update.

What Google Panda and Penguin Updates Penalize
  1. Duplicate Content – The ultimate motive of the Panda update is to automatically identify the sites with duplicate content. Also Google Panda update was related to identify the sites with poor and low quality content. This update was crashed on the sites that were using the black hat on page SEO techniques like invisible text, keyword stuffing etc.
  2. Bad Backlinks – The Panda update was succeeded in pushing low quality content deeper in the SERPs. However it was still having some shortcomings. Fighting against the bad, spam backlinks was another challenge to make proper justice with whitehat websites. The penguin update by Google was the weapon to supervise the websites with bad backlinks.
Impact by Google Penguin and Panda updates:
Panda update was a successful automated filter that penalized almost all of the websites with duplicate and even spun content. After the first release of Panda update duplicated content has almost disappeared from the Google SERPs.

Penguin update was succeeded in fulfilling the shortcomings of the Panda update. It penalized almost all of the websites that was employing low quality link building practices such as private blog networks, comments spamming, profile links and other unnatural means to gain links to website.

Google Panda update:
This update is designed to reduce rankings for low-quality sites—sites which are low-value add for users, copy content from other websites or sites that are just not very useful. At the same time, it will provide better rankings for high-quality sites—sites with original content and information such as research, in-depth reports, thoughtful analysis and so on.
Basically, Panda updates are designed to target pages that aren’t necessarily spam but aren’t great quality. This was the first ever penalty that went after “thin content”(means “Little or no original content.”) and the sites that were hit hardest by the first Panda update were content farms (hence why it was originally called the Farmer update), where users could publish dozens of low-quality, keyword stuffed articles that offered little to no real value for the reader. Many publishers would submit the same article to a bunch of these content farms just to get extra links.

Google Penguin update:
Penguin update is aimed at decreasing search engine rankings of websites that violate Google’s Webmaster Guidelines by using now declared black-hat SEO techniques, such as keyword stuffing, cloaking, participating in link schemes, deliberate creation of duplicate content and others.
Penguin is an important algorithm change targeted at webspam. The change will decrease rankings for sites that we believe are violating Google’s existing quality guidelines.” Google mentions that typical black hat SEO tactics like keyword stuffing (long considered webspam) would get a site in trouble, but less obvious tactics (link incorporating irrelevant outgoing links into a page of content) would also cause Penguin to flag your site.

The differences between Penguin and panda:
Panda aimed at down ranking websites that provided poor user experience. The algorithm follows the logic by which Google’s human quality raters determine a website’s quality.
The strategic goal that Panda, Penguin update share is to display higher quality websites at the top of Google’s search results. However, sites that were down ranked as the result of these updates have different sets of characteristics. The main target of Google Penguin is spamdexing (including link bombing).

You might also Read: How to recover from Google Panda and Penguin Penalties
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Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Importance of Search Engine Submission

"Search Engine Submission is a great way to get traffic from search engine".
Search engine submission is how a webmaster submits a web site directly to a search engine. While Search Engine Submission is often seen as a way to promote a website, it generally is not necessary because the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing use crawlers, bots, and spiders that eventually would find most web sites on the Internet all by themselves.

But, There are two basic reasons to submit a web site or web page to a search engine. The first reason would be to add an entirely new web site because the site operators would rather not wait for a search engine to discover them. The second reason is to have a web page or web site updated in the respective search engine.

Search Engine Relationship Chart:

Here, We provide free manual submission to the highest-rated, Free Internet Search Engines and Directories. The Search Engines and Directories listed below are all ranked according to popularity.
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Friday, 4 January 2013

What Is Bounce Rate & Exit Rate of Website?

Bounce rate is a very important metric for website owners. It basically tells you what percentage of your visitors are “bouncing” away after landing on your site (e.g., they just visit one page and leave before clicking on to a second page inside your site). A bounce can occur for several reasons, including:

  • The visitor hit the “Back” button on his browser.
  • The visitor closed his browser.
  • The visitor clicked on one of your ads.
  • The visitor clicked on one of your external links.
  • The visitor used the search box on his browser.
  • The visitor typed a new URL on his browser.

All the actions above would cause the visitor to leave your site. Provided he did any of these actions right after arriving at your site (and before clicking on to a second page), it would be counted as a bounce. In fact the formula for finding the bounce rate on your website is:

Bounce rate = Visits that left after one page / Total number of visits

For example, if during a certain month your site received 120,000 visits, out of which 80,000 bounced after visiting just one page, your bounce rate for that month would be 80,000 divided by 120,000, which equals to 0.66 (or 66%). Notice that you can calculate the bounce rate of your whole website or of single pages inside it.

Obviously the lower the bounce rate on your website, the better, because it means that visitors are getting engaged by your content and design, and that they are clicking to visit a second (third and so on) page on your site.

How do you know the exact bounce rate on your site? A web analytics program like Google Analytics will automatically track the numbers for you.

Exit Rate:
Exit rate is the percentage of people who left your site from that page. Exits may have viewed more than one page in a session. That means they may not have landed on that page, but simply found their way to it through site navigation.

Imagine you have 600 visits to the page.
Group 1 – 100 visits are from google search engine, that means this page is a landing page in this case.
Group 2 – 500 visits from visitors who visited this page after visiting other pages of your site.
These two groups are totally different groups of visitors.

Then, all 100 visitors form the first group exited your site after visiting the page. So bounce rate is 100%.
But only 50 visitors from the second group (500 visits) exited your site from this page.
Doing some math, we get exit rate = (100+50) / 600 * 100% = 25%
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Thursday, 3 January 2013

Three Way Link Building

Three Way Link Building (site X = site Y = site Z = site X) is a particular form of reciprocal link building or you have website A and give your link to a similar website B that then passes their link onto website C, which then in turn sets up your link which leads right back to your website A. It will work as long as this chain is not broken.

The effort of this 3 way linking Building technique is to generate additional natural links in the eyes of major search engines. The importance of links by 3 way link building can then be improved than typical reciprocal links, which are generally made between two web sites. In this three way link building take the link from others web site and in return you provide a back links from one of your other website.

3 way Link Building strategy:
  1. Searching relevant websites for your website
  2. Submitting the link to other websites which is related to your categories and keyword and getting them the right html code for your website related to your category
  3. Use of the targeted keywords related to your website as anchor text in the code Analysis of back links of your competitors to take an idea and to work accordingly.

Our SEO Experts only follow those link building techniques that are natural and ethical, hence you don’t need to worry about the fall off of the search engine results that mainly happens due to black hat SEO technique.
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Reciprocal Link Building

Link exchange or Reciprocal links is the process where two website owners agree to show others link on their website. It is the good way to get ranked in search engines.

Link building is often defined as practice of getting links from other sites to your own site importance to websites that have more inbound links and therefore rank those sites higher in their search results.

The benefit of exchanging your website with websites of similar content lead to gain high targeted readers and increases the link popularity of website in search engines. On the other hand it distracts the potential visitors away to other sites before they have fully explored the site that the original link was on.

You can use deep link as link exchange so that you can drive traffic to your content pages not only to your main page.

our SEO Experts only follow those link building techniques that are natural and ethical, hence you don't need to worry about the fall off of the search engine results that mainly happens due to black hat SEO technique.

Our SEO Team first understands the nature of your online business plus the needs and requirements of your business website. After preparing your website link building plan, we research good website that are relevant to your website theme or your business in order to create a database of websites that your sites can be mutually linked with. Then, we start our reciprocal link building process.
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Video Submission

Video serves as an effective marketing tool in the Internet world. Today, videos are widely used as a medium of promotion and advertising of a product. If you are looking to distribute videos to the Video Submission sites, you should definitely use our team at True-SEO We provide the best cost effective services that you will find on the Internet at the best price.

What we do? Submitting the videos to a handful of video distribution websites will eat up much of your precious time. Moreover, if the submission is not done in the suitable category with appropriate tags, titles and description it is a complete waste of time with hands on experience in Video Search Engine Optimization.
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Email Marketing Service

Email marketing is directly marketing a commercial message to a group of people using electronic mail (email).
Email Newsletters are direct emails sent out on a regular basis to a list of subscribers, customers. The primary purpose of an email newsletter is to build upon the relationship of the company with their customers/subscribers.

Email marketing can also be referred to
  • Sending emails designed to encourage customer loyalty and enhance the customer relationship
  • Placing your marketing messages or advertisements in emails sent by other people
  • Sending direct promotional emails to try and acquire new customers or persuade existing customers to buy again.
Why Email marketing has huge demand?

Email marketing has huge demand because
  • Email lets you deliver your message to the people unlike a website, where the people have to come to your message.
  • Email marketing has proven very successful for those who do it right
  • Sending email is much cheaper than most other forms of communication
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Local Listings

Local listings are the Good way and easy ways for the local people in your place to let know about your location and services/ products you provide.
Google Local Listings are the new way people are connecting with local businesses online. Google Local listings help your business to target the millions of local customers searching online.

Google Local Business (or is a relatively new service from Google that ties local searches (notably Google maps) to businesses. Think yellow pages meets Google. Think local customers searching for your business.

Local listing benefit
  • Your business may appear on the first page of results for local based searches for your product/service.
  • Creating an optimized local business listing allows you to get exposure to millions of local customers for a fraction of the cost of other advertising.
  • It's a 'shortcut' to the top of Google's results because you don't have to pay thousands to create a website and have it professionally optimized.
We guarantee that your business will be in the 1st Page of Local Results for your business type.
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Review Posting

A Review Posting is an evaluation of a publication, such as a movie, video game, musical composition, book, or a piece of hardware like a car, appliance, or computer. In addition to a critical statement, the review’s author may assign the work a rating to indicate its relative merit. More loosely, an author may review current events or items in the news.
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Classified ads

The process of advertising a product or service by writing an interesting description about it is the online classified advertising.
The description can consists of the name, phone number, address, website URL, price, email address and a picture of the product or service being promoted. As all the advertisements that relate to a particular category are classified under one heading, thus it is called classified advertising.

For example, cars that are available on hire or for sale would be classified under automobiles.
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Forum Posting Service

Take advantage of our Forum Link Building service, and you will be able to boost your website's search engine ranking dramatically while enhancing your link building strategies with valuable technique that can be applied again and again whenever you need more links.

Forum link building is one of the most effective link building strategies. As each forums is a rich source of content, search engines love these forums. Links from such forums are highly valuable for your website as these pages have loads of relevant, keyword rich content - and the value of your links for those keywords will be highly enhanced. Using forum link building you can get high quality back links that will boost your website's search engine ranking.

How Can Our Forum Link Building Service Help You?

We will post relevant topics in appropriate, relevant forums which will include your targeted links in the signature of each post. As mentioned, these forums are a rich source of fresh content, meaning the search engines love them and give them a good ranking. When you get links from forums with good ranking, your website's ranking will also be boosted.
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Search Engine Submission Service

If your site has not been listed on all the major search engines, then you should have them submitted to all the major search engines. Remember, a submission doesn't ensure a listing and a listing doesn't ensure a good ranking. But in order to get listed it is important to submit your site to a search engine.

Our team will submit your site to 80+ major search engines, but not to the thousands of Free for All (FFA) sites. Submitting to FFA sites can increase your chances of getting banned or penalized by search engines. You should also ask yourself this question: How many search engines have I used?
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Press Release Service

Press Release Distribution is key to getting your website before the right audience.

Press Release Distribution to 100 PR sites, Google News, Yahoo News, 85000 Registered Journalist, 22000 Newsroom, PR Newswire and GroupWeb Network enables you to reach Global, National and Local Newspapers, Television and Radio stations, 60,000 Trade publications and over 4,000 online news sites, databases, intranets or extranets.

Press releases have been around for many years, but are only now being used in the internet-marketing world. Today, submittingpress releases over the internet is the most innovative way in which to increase your search engine ranking, gain increased online visibility for your website, and unique visitors that will add up to more sales. 

Our press release optimization and submission service is designed to maximize the visibility of your press release in the news search engines and media databases. Making sure your press release is keyword searchable for the best search terms in your niche or industry is critical to its success. We analyze your release and optimize it around key search terms that increase your chances of being noticed by boosting your visibility online, and provide network distribution and technological enhancements. This ensures that your release is both high quality and high profile.
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Squidoo Lens Creation Service

In order to make use of Squidoo for getting links for your website, you must understand how Squidoo works. Squidoo uses tags to categorize the user created pages, or 'lenses' as they are called. Whenever a user creates a Squidoo lens, tags must also be created for each lens. All of the user-generated lenses are linked to tag pages, which are in turn linked back to all the lenses that use the same tag. This is how automatic links are generated for the lens you create in Squidoo. Your Squidoo len's popularity increases because of the links it automatically receives from the tag pages!

It is a known fact that links from authority sites are more valuable than links from non-authority sites. Squidoo is one such authority site, and helps you achieve a higher ranking. Authority sites are simply credible online resources on a given topic, which have other websites linking to them on the strength of that credibility. When Search Engines notice links from an authority site like Squidoo, the credibility of your own site increases. This is what makes a Squidoo lens so valuable for creating quality links.
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Social Bookmarking Service

Social bookmarking submission has developed into a powerful tool for SEO experts. It involves linking sites within the various forums, blogs and message boards on social networking websites, blog sites and content-centric sites like Digg. Considered a better alternative to submitting a website on blogs, manual social bookmarking is a simple, convenient and hassle-free way of making sure that your site is noticed and marketed in the right circle.

Google and other major search engines have decided to go content-centric; The more places you have your content, the more online visibility you generate. Submitting your site manually to social bookmarking sites like Digg,,, and will ensure higher online visibility. Our constant endeavour is to serve sites with well-researched and well-directed visibility by our bookmarking submission.

Our team ensures that every site is first indexed for the intended target audience, so that only sites with high ranking and pedigree are selected. Our service is tuned in to the ever-changing world of search engine optimization. With the implementation of context-sensitive search algorithms and with the advent of more personalized search results for users, submission of your site content to a social bookmarking site is no longer a matter of trial and error.

Each bookmarking site has its own pros and cons, and it takes meticulous planning and research before one can consider submitting his/her site content to a social bookmarking service. From the most basic press release to more complex articles, all site content is examined and then the appropriate site is determined for submission. To top it all, since all bookmarking sites require registration, there is no way that any spam links can be generated to or from your site.
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Article Submission

We carry out Manual submissions to High Rank Article Sites, with different anchor text and description. We submit your site to quality Article Sites, most of them require us to create a unique account for you before submission. We'll create unique email ids for you, register your account with each site, verify the email, submit your site and finally give you the access to the email account that we created for you.

Submitting websites to Article Sites is very popular amongst SEO experts, as article submission not only gives you High Quality Back Links from relevant sites also increases online visibility.
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What is Directory submission Service?

It is the process of submitting your website's link to web directories or internet directories. This process involves submitting a short description along with a suitable title. Both title and keywords should be keyword rich. The main aim of this strategy is to get High Quality Back Links for websites.

You can get hundreds of good quality High Quality Back Links using this method. However, the effectiveness of this strategy depends totally on the experience of your link building company in executing this service. Let us take a closer look at True-SEO service and analyze whether
True-SEO offers reliable services.True-SEO has been in the link building industry for over five years and True-SEO offers wide range of link building services. One of the most popular services of True-SEO is online directory submission service. True-SEO promises customers excellent quality back links through this service.
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